ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

(800)843-2763 (U.S/Canada)

Address: Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990

ASME indexes to publications

620.6Me2so -- 1880-1956 (1 vol.), 1957-1980
*publications by subject
*standards, codes by number
*papers by author

Cumulative Index to Transactions of the ASME

620.6Me -- 1957-1970 (1 volume)

ASME Miscellaneous Papers

621As54 -- 1983-2000
(GT, WA, HT, PVP, PWR, PET, FE, DGP, APM, DET, NE, JPGC, PROB... maybe more)

ASME series papers / Conference Proceedings:

AD - Aerospace 629.1Ad12 + v.14- ANE-3689
AES - Advanced Energy Systems 621.042Ad952 + v.8- AMZ-8654
AMD - Applied Mechanics 620.1Am27 + v.101 - AND-9889
BED - Bioengineering 610.28B522 + v.14- AMZ-8758
CED - Computer Engineering 620.00285C7392 v.3- AMZ-8708
CRTD - Center for Research & Technology Development 600C887 v.15- ANE-5902
DE - Design Engineering 610.28 D46M v.1
621.811 C76R v.2
620.3 C762M v.3
620.3 C76V v.4
620.3 C762R v.5
621.406 C76B v.6
620.3 C76M1987 v.7
620.3 C762A v.8
620.00452 F149F1987 v.9
620.00425 D4603A v.10
629.23 AM35T v.11
610.28 AM352N1987 v.12
612.044 AM35B v.13
629.892 T722 v.15
620.001519 F149F1989 v.16
620.00420285 IN8D v.17
621.811 C76R1989 v.18-1
621.811 C762M v.18-2
624.171 C76S v.18-3
620.3 C762V v.18-4
620.3 C76D v.18-5
620.00425 D4603A1989 v.19
620.0042D34 v.20- ANE-0442
DSC - Dynamic Systems & Control 629.8D989 v.13- AMZ-8653
EC - Joint Power Generation Conference 621.4023 J6683C v.1
621.3121 IN81991 v.2
621.312 IN8P1995 v.3
621.312 IN8P1996 v.4
621.312 IN8P1997 v.5
EEP - Electrical and Electronic Packaging 621.381046EE68 + v.2 - AWF-1722
FACT - Fuels & Combustion Technologies 621.4023F952 v.6- AMZ-8895
FED - Fluids Engineering 620.106F6734 v.83- AMZ-8587
FPST - Fluid Power & System Technology 621.106F6735 v.1- AYO-9283
HTD - Heat Transfer 621.4022H352 v.106- AMM-5234
ICE - Internal Combustion Engine 621.43 IN81E v.1
621.43 B292 v.3
621.43 In81e1988 v.4
629.25 AD9 v.5
621.43 B2921989 v.6
629.2506 EN334C v.7
621.43In82 v.8- ANA-2337
ISPS - Information Storage and Processing Systems Division 621IS7 v.1 - date AZP-7020
MED - Manufacturing Engineering Division 670M467 + v.1,4,6,8,10 AZY-3062
621.86M5791 v.2,9
621.381046Ee68 v.3
620.0042D34 v.5,7
MET - Mechanical engineering 621.8 M565 + v.1-
MD - Materials 620.11M4182 v.14- AMZ-8980
MGT - Management of Energy Activity for Profit Symposium 338.2 M311M v.1
658.26 EN272M v.2
303.483 T782 v.5 v.3
MH - Materials Handling 621.86M5791 v.2-3,5- AYP-1419
NCA - Noise Control & Acoustics 532.517 AM35S v.1
620.1064 AM35I v.2
624.171 ST29 v.3
621.4022 H352 v.4
620.23N6982 v.5- AMZ-8655
620.23 N6982 + v.31-
NDE - Non-Destructive Evaluation Engineering Division 620.1127N732 v.4 - date AMZ-8709
NE - Nuclear Engineering 621.48N8838 v.3- AMZ-8901
OED - Ocean Engineering Division 620.4162OE3 v.11 - date BBA-9519
PD - Petroleum 665.5P4485 v.27- ANA-2294
PED - Production Engineering 670P942 v.37- AMZ-8570
PVP - Pressure Vessels and Piping 620P926 v. 154- AMM-5688
PWR - Power 621.4P872 + v.5- AMZ-8745
RTD - Railroad Transportation 625.21 Am35r v.1
625.2 AM35A v.2
621.33R819 v.3- ANE-0812
SED - Solar Energy 621.47Se27 v.8- ANE-3901
TED - Textile Engineering Division 677.028 AS54T v.1
677 T228 + v.2-
TRIB - Tribology Division 621.89T7322 + v.1-7,9- AVO-7122
earlier volumes in these series are also available - search the online catalog for the individual volume title

ASME journals:

IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 629.8905Ie 1 (1996) - date
Applied mechanics reviews 620.5 APM v.1(1948)-v.61(2008) Lacking v.55, v.56
Journal of Applied Mechanics 620.5Jo 1 (1933) -date
Journal of Basic Engineering 620.6Meser.d 81 (1959) - 94 (1972)  
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 620.6Meser.k 99 (1977) - date
Journal of computational and nonlinear dynamics 621.8105 JOC v.1(2006) - date
Journal of computing and information science in engineering 620.00285 J826 v.1(2001) - date
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control 620.6Meser.g 93 (1971) - date
Journal of electronic packaging Q. 621.38104605 JO v.111(1989)-- date
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 620.6Mee 101 (1979) - date
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power Q.620.6Me1ser.a 106 (1984) - date
Journal of Engineering for Industry 620.6Meser.b 81 (1959) - 118:1 (1996)  
Journal of Engineering for Power 620.6Meser.a 81 (1959) - 105 (1983)
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 620.6Meser.h 95 (1973) - date
Journal of Fluids Engineering 620.6Meser.i 95 (1973) - date
Journal of fuel cell science and technology 621.31242905 JO v.1(2004) - date
Journal of Heat Transfer 620.6Meser.c 81 (1959) - date
Journal of Lubrication Technology 620.6Meser.f 89 (1967) - 105 (1983)
Journal of Manufacturing Science & Engineering Q.620.6Me1 Ser. B 118 (1996)- date
Journal of Mechanical Design 620.6Med 100 (1978)- 104 (1982)
Journal of Mechanical Design Q.620.005Jou1 112 (1990) - date
Journal of mechanisms and robotics 629.89205 JOU v.1(2009)- date
Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions and Automation in Design 620.005Jou 105 (1983) - 111 (1989)
Journal of medical devices 610.28405 JO v.1(2007)-date
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Q.620.4105Tr 109 (1987) - date
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 620.6Meser.j 96 (1974) - date
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 621.4705Jo 102 (1980) - date
Journal of thermal science and engineering applications 621.40205 JT v.1(2009)-date
Journal of Tribology 620.6Meser.f1 106 (1984) - date
Journal of Turbomachinery Q.620.6Mea 108 (1986) - date
Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress and Reliability in Design 620.00405Jo 105 (1983) - 111 (1989)
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Q.620.00405Jo1 112 (1990) - date
Manufacturing Review 670.4205MA 1 (1988) - 8 (1995)
Mechanical Engineering 620.6Mej 28 (1907) - date
Transactions of the ASME 620.6Me 1 (1880) - 80 (1958)
ASME Wind Energy Symposium 621.45As54a
621.47 SE27 v.11, 621.47 SE27 v.12, 621.47 SE27 v.16)
1982 - date


PVP Standards (Pressure Vessel Piping) 620P926 1983 - date
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes q.621.1Am33a 1986-1994
Many ASME standards are ANSI-approved and are located under ANSI/ASME on the 2nd Floor, West